Co-Written / Partner

Social Influence: How do they affect customers' decisions

How do your different customers interact and how do they gather and disseminate information?

Increasing outright satisfaction performance: Who performed best?

Who are the brands that have increased their rates of customer satisfaction?

Soft Openings – JUST DON’T DO IT !!!!

Brad Menachemson, Managing Director of bdm groups global talks about soft openings and their drawbacks.

The Winners of 2015's first half

Who are the big improvers this year relative to last year?

Brand Scandals and how they Impact Consumers - Featuring Subway

A Euromonitor podcast featuring Senior Consumer Foodservice Analyst Elizabeth Friend.

A QSR Media Conference Exclusive: Session notes on the Ethical QSR and the Digital QSR

Erika Sirimanne, Business Development Consulting at Euromonitor International explores ethical branding and connecting with the "hyperconnected...

Brand Scandals and how they Impact Consumers - Featuring Subway

A podcast by Euromonitor, featuring Senior Consumer Foodservice Analyst Elizabeth Friend.

Consumer behaviour: How different are men and women on the internet?

An emma study tackles the differences in online behaviour for men and women.

How do you exercise your options on your lease?

Get the most out of leasing for your QSR with these tips from Leasing Information Services.

CHART: Oldie but a goodie

An emma survey illustrates how QSRs can appeal more to the elderly and how significant they are as a demographic.

CHART: Brand health state to state & local market attitudes

An emma study tries to show the difference in performance of brands from one state to the next.

Who aren’t your customers?

We focus so much on who our frequent customers are instead of who they aren’t and if the latter are worth chasing. Who are the people that consider...

Breakfast saw gains this year

Morning Meal continues to be one of the most successful and resilient daypart in the last three years, according to the NPD Group.

Breakfast saw gains this year

Morning Meal continues to be one of the most successful and resilient daypart in the last three years, according to the NPD Group.

Where is the best place to take up a franchise?

If you’re considering opening a franchise and you’re open to moving around.

Fast Casual in International Markets: Where’s the Opportunity?

Analyst Insight by Elizabeth Friend - Senior Consumer Foodservice Analyst at Euromonitor.