Where is the best place to take up a franchise?
If you’re considering opening a franchise and you’re open to moving around.
The emma survey suggests that relocating to Queensland is the best idea and to avoid South Australia & Tasmania. The banana-benders on average spend more per week in QSRs than the other states. To be fair the average spend per person by state is a close race but every dollar counts. QLD also punches above weight for QSR visitation relative to the other states and it doesn’t matter if this is through the perspective of Healthy, Taste or Price choice segments.
The Northern Territory performs well above the states but with a smaller population.
Within QLD the highest average spend was in Cairns ($32). Townsville was down the list but with an average spend of $26.60 came ahead of the other states and both have healthy tourism to supplement the income received from locals.
The emma survey covers not only the QSR category but also carries geographic distribution and segmentation capabilities which are covered in the recent emma food trends and insights 2015 report (emma.com.au/emma-food-report).
If you’d like to speak with the Ipsos emma team on where the market gaps are for your QSR brand contact [email protected]