, UK
Press photo. /Shrimp Shack

Shrimp Shack opens second location in Camden

The brand is targeting Central London locations.

Shrimp Shack will be opening its second location in Camden in July, following the launch of its flagship store in December last year.

Shrimp Shack is a fast, casual restaurant founded by a quad of independent business owners, Balal Aqil, Danny Caratella, Rish Gola and Raf Adam. Prior to launching Shrimp Shack, Balal Aqil founded nationwide dessert chain Creams Café in 2008.

In its press release, Shrimp Shack’s first launch saw week-on-week revenues to be 66% above original forecast. The Camden location will also be the brand’s first foray into a franchise partnership.

The brand said it is aiming to tap into central London locations in order to bring its ‘build your own’ experience to a wider customer base – including visitors to the capital

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