Moffat Group is an industry-leading manufacturer and supplier of commercial cooking equipment tailored for Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs) worldwide. With our manufacturing facility based in New Zealand and over 90 years of expertise in commercial cooking and baking, we specialise in delivering highly efficient production solutions to our fast-food chain partners.

From collaborating closely with food manufacturers, culinary development experts, and QSR operators, we have gained profound insight into the challenges prevailing the landscape of QSRs today. Leveraging this knowledge, we have developed premium and reliable commercial cooking equipment streamlined for easy workflow in QSR kitchens.

Our wide range of products offer integrated functions and versatile features suitable for multi-functional purposes to deliver fast food production in compact kitchen environments. We have carefully designed our catering equipment with a focus on maximising kitchen efficiency to ensure that all fast-food operators and chefs can deliver consistent quality menu items without the exceeding high cost of expenditure due to kitchen space constraints.

Moffat has gained trust with many reputable QSR brands around the world where our solutions not only deliver the level of food quality required but also improves overall process in the kitchen - fostering staff retention, reducing operational costs, and overall ensuring customer satisfaction.

Discover more about Moffat and explore our range of products by reaching out to us today.

From Kitchen Chaos to Culinary Excellence: Moffat’s Solutions for Peak Hour Success

Imagine the bustling scene of a quick-service restaurant during peak hour: the orders are piling up, the cooked food is getting colder, and space gets even more cramped.

Moffat's innovation solution journey began with a clear identification of the evolving market demands. The company pinpointed a critical gap of finding a reliable solution to avoid cooked food degradation. In addition, the limited space available in many kitchens is another challenge which made it impractical to cook and serve each order individually during peak times.

To address this, Moffat developed compact and advanced hot holding cabinets designed not just for holding but as a strategic solution to pre-stage meals for quick assembly and service of fast and delicious food.

Elevating Food Quality Beyond the Capabilities of Standard Holding Equipment

Moffat's hot holding solution is rooted in two core principles: firstly, the aim is to deliver consistently high-quality food at the end of the holding period. This is achieved through advanced technologies such as controlled steam injection and precise temperature management, which work together to protect the texture, moisture, and integrity of sensitive food items like proteins.

Secondly, Moffat provides an optimal solution for peak demand periods with its efficient food storage system that allows QSRs to prepare in advance and cater to high demand without compromising on the quality or freshness of the food served.

Traditional holding units often struggle to maintain food quality, typically allowing for a mere 20 minutes of holding time before the quality deteriorates. In stark contrast, Moffat offers a substantial extension, capable of preserving dishes for up to two hours. With this feature, items like roasted chicken, cooked early in the day, remain just as savoury and appealing during the afternoon rush as they were when first prepared.

For instance, the Moffat hot holding cabinet stands out from other brands primarily because of its unique moisture management, which directly contributes to minimising food weight loss—a crucial benefit for QSR operators. Unlike traditional models that merely keep food warm, the hot holding cabinet sprays fine water molecules inside its container. The increased airflow effectively enhances the moisture content of the food. Less moisture loss translates to less weight loss, so the food maintains more of its initial flavour, volume, and weight through extended holding periods.

Most importantly, the Turbofan hot holding cabinet is not a one-all solution. Some cooks can also use it for part food items, while others may cook their food with other equipment and hold the food item in the hot holding cabinet—Moffat’s innovative cook ‘n’ hold equipment works both as an individual system or works in complement to other kitchen equipment to not only optimise operational workflow but achieve the QSR’s desired results for their menu items. 

Enhancing Operational Efficiency and Streamlining Kitchen Workflow

In QSRs, efficiency isn't merely about speed—it's about smart management of time and resources, particularly in the aftermath of COVID-19. The pandemic has amplified peak demand periods and expanded the scope of delivery services like UberEATS, requiring QSRs to innovate rapidly to keep up. Moffat’s hot holding solutions, especially our hot holding cabinet, address these new challenges by enabling QSRs to maintain high-quality food service during these fluctuating demands.

The benefits of Moffat's hot holding solutions flows deep into the workflow and staff management within a QSR setting. By allowing food to be prepared in advance and held at high standards, the hot holding cabinet reduces the need for last-minute cooking, thus minimising kitchen chaos during rush hours. This structured system of loading and holding food enhances the kitchen's operational flow, enabling staff to focus more on service delivery and less on the frantic aspects of meal preparation. Such efficiency reduces stress, cuts down on human error, and diminishes noise—creating a smoother, quieter, and safer working environment.

Moreover, the compact and multifunctional design of Moffat’s hot holding cabinet minimises the physical footprint in the kitchen, an invaluable factor during peak times when space and safety become paramount. As the kitchen’s clutter is reduced and so is the need for staff to navigate a cramped environment, Moffat’s solution notably decreases the risk of workplace injuries.

Revolutionising Food Waste Reduction and Energy Efficiency

Traditional food holding methods often lead to decreased food quality over time, with items placed under heat lamps or subjected to dry heat quickly losing their appeal and becoming waste. Moffat's hot holding solutions create an optimally moist environment which expands the viable serving life of dishes. The ability to hold food at optimal serving conditions for long periods means less food is discarded, directly translating to cost savings and a reduction in food waste—a win for both the bottom line and the environment.

Beyond waste reduction, Moffat’s hot holding cabinets are engineered for energy efficiency. Other methods require significant energy to maintain food at safe temperatures, but Moffat’s cabinets are designed to provide consistent heat with less energy output. This reduces overall energy consumption, which not only reduces operational costs but also decreases the QSR’s carbon footprint, supporting sustainability initiatives.

Moving Forward with Moffat

Today, Moffat's Turbofan hot holding solutions represent one of the most successful categories in their product line, demonstrating innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction. As a well-acclaimed pioneer in commercial kitchen equipment, Moffat continues to influence the foodservice industry across all sectors, ensuring that their products meet the evolving demands of a dynamic market​.

Discover how Moffat’s Turbofan Cook ‘n’ Hold solutions can significantly change the landscape of your quick service restaurant today. Contact Moffat now and get started with integrating hot holding solutions into your food service management.

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