In Focus

RFG on their Mining town strategy

QSR Media talks to RFG's Faith Manning, National Sales and Leasing Coordination Manager, about their mining town strategy.

RFG on their Mining town strategy

QSR Media talks to RFG's Faith Manning, National Sales and Leasing Coordination Manager, about their mining town strategy.

Australian banks shift charges from consumers to small business

Australian banks charged $11.3 billion in fee revenue in 2011, with a 7 percent drop from households but a 5.5 percent jump on businesses.

Pie Face's Wayne Homschek on their 15 million US dollar deal and global expansion

Fresh from minting a $15million USD deal with US investor Steve Wynn, Pie Face CEO and founder Wayne Homschek talks to QSR Media.

Hungry Jacks brand new look

As part of their "quiet revolution" they are now transforming their in-store experience. QSR finds out more in this Q&A with their CEO Aaron McKie. 

Chatime on their 80% growth and ambitious Aust wide plans

Iris Qian, Head of Franchise Business for Chatime tells us what differentiates them and what their plans are for the future.  

What you need to know about RFG's new Australian brand Esquires

Khim Puseman, Group Brand Manager at Retail Food Group discusses what makes this coffee house different.

Charlie Lovett - a QSR on the rise

Roaster, Baker, Sandwich Maker is their mantra. From roasting their own coffee beans, to daily baking of bread, QSR Media gets the low down on this emerging QSR in this interview with their founder, Peter Caddick.

Where size does matter: Smaller QSRs hit harder by credit squeeze

With the global economy slowing down and the threat of a recession remote but still looming, we asked QSR’s if their franchisee applicants have had difficulty securing bank credit. The answer: Bank lending has indeed been tightening, most operators agreed, with smaller QSRs with 40 or less stores being less favored for loans rather than larger operators.

What impact will the Carbon Tax have on QSR's?

As Australia inches closer to rolling out the carbon tax in July, we asked QSR executives how the legislation will impact their businesses and what coping measures they plan to take given the price increases that are sure to follow.

Crust takes on the US

In an ambitious move Crust has announced their launch on the US market. Find out more in this interview with their MD, Costa Anastasiadis.

WOWCOW - an emerging QSR to watch

WOWCOW is a funky super chilled yogurt & desert lounge with a cult like following. The first in Australia and with 6 years under their belt they have recently launched their franchising campaign. Carl Harwin, their founder and CEO sits down with QSR Media to explain what sets them apart and their plans for the future.

Delaware North - A super franchisee's perspective of the QSR industry

Delaware North operates many QSR brands including Hungry Jacks, Oprorto, Noodle Box, Healthy Habits & Dominos. What trends are they noticing? Find out in this interview with David Mayo, their Ntl Brand Mgr, Travel Hospitality Services.

Zarraffa's Coffees Kenton Campbell on drive throughs, the Carbon tax and growth targets

Zaraffas's Coffee is well known in QLD, they are now taking their brand to other states. Find out more in this interview with their CEO Kenton Campbell.

Burger Edge on 0S Expansion and their 45 store outlook

The gourmet burger market is becoming increasingly competitive, and Burger Edge is one of the growing QSR's in this space. Find out more in this interview with Issam Soubjaki, Franchisor, Burger Edge.

MOS Burger's 200 store plan

This burger chain is one to watch, they are 2nd to McDonald's in their native Japan and have ambitious plans for Australia. Read this interview with their GM Yasufumi Sato.

Inside Gloria Jean's Coffees, Coffee House of the Future - what you need to know

In this interview with Gloria Jean's coffees Gareth Pike, CEO Pacific, we find out how it is revolutionising their business.

Mad Mex's new direction for 2012

Mad Mex have ambitious growth targets for 2012 to at least double their store count. Find out in this interview with their CEO and founder Clovis Young how they are going to get there and how their business is changing.