Weekly Global News Wrap Up: Venice bans fast food; Indian yoga guru starts own quick service restaurant; Rich and poor alike eat fast food, research finds
Here is a summary of the most interesting QSR news stories of the week from around the world.
- According to the Chicago Tribune, despite talk of the retail industry dying, with malls closing and the slump pressuring chains like Sears and J. Crew, retail giants such as Wal-Mart and Costco are poaching employees from the fast food industry. READ MORE HERE
- The Telegraph ran an article covering the most controversial fast food advertisements of all time, in light of a recent bid by politicians to remove fast food advertisement from British television. READ MORE HERE
- In a new law passed, Venetian authorities banned the proliferation of any new fast food restaurants or "kebab shops" that are not compatible with the city's heritage. according to a report by the Guardian. READ MORE HERE
- Whether rich or poor, everyone loves fast food. According to a new nationwide study of young baby boomers, fast-food consumption is not solely concentrated among the country's poor, the Science Daily reports. READ MORE HERE
- According to Times of India, renowned yoga teacher Ramdev is looking to take on multinational fast food chains, including KFC, McDonald's and Subway, with a new quick service restaurant chain. READ MORE HERE
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