, Australia

Sumo Salad to open first store in North America

First location will be in Los Angeles, California.

Sumo Salad has announced that it will be opening its doors to Los Angeles, California, the chain's first store in North America.

Matt Yurdistsky, Master Franchisor owner in North America is excited to be the first to bring the brand to the US. “We’re currently gearing up for our grand opening and have already received great media traction. We will be running a variety of activities to help ensure the store is a success, from media and influencer sneak peaks to sampling activations.”

Luke Baylis, CEO of SumoSalad said, “We are very proud to have come this far, and it has taken a long time to get the concept right, but we’re now ready to take on the US market! It’s an amazing opportunity to be in the US, especially as it was here over a decade ago that the idea was born. I am excited to have Mat on board, we both share the same passion and vision for the future of SumoSalad, and he has worked hard to get this running locally.”

SumoSalad currently has over 100 stores Australia wide and 11 international stores in New Zealand, Singapore, Dubai and Brazil.

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