Zarraffa’s rolls out first drive-thru only concept
The new model is a cheaper alternative for franchisers.
Zarraffa's Coffee has rolled out a drive-thru-only store model in Beaudesert that will allow future franchisees the option of a lower entry cost in owning a Zarraffa’s store.
Kenton Campbell, founder and managing director of Zarraffa’s Coffee said the drive-thru-only model will increase customer experience for those that are time-poor and demand convenience, whilst delivering significant expansion opportunities for the company.
“We launched our first drive-thru store back in 2009 and we haven’t looked back since. This next iteration of our operation is designed to be built in a shorter amount of time, on a smaller footprint and combines top operating principles with a lower cost of entry,” Campbell said
Whilst each drive-thru-only store will be customisable to some extent, the Beaudesert store is approximately 90sqm, with 65sqm internal space.
With only a small outdoor seating capacity, Beaudesert locals will be able to enjoy the full Zarraffa’s Coffee menu range, whilst being served by 15 new local staff members.
“We are seeing incredible interest from prospective franchisees, however the price point for a full drive-thru store is getting close to $1m to open. Our stores are significant operations and require a larger investment, but the drive-thru only model is modifiable and starts from around $650k,” Campbell added.
The first of its kind, the Beaudesert drive-thru-only store is located at 1 Oakland Way and is owned and operated by experienced franchisees Jordan Wyborn and Ashley Byers, who also run four other stores located in Toowoomba North, Redbank Plains, Greenslopes and Pacific Pines.