Katermaster considers food contamination culprits
How many people wear disposable gloves and then assume they are being food safe?
Katermaster discusses common culprits of food contamination.
The Australian Institute of Food Safety breaks food contamination into 4 key categories:
Biological Contamination – when bacteria or toxins contaminate food
Common cause of biological contamination: Leaving food out at room temperature – this can make food a breeding ground for microorganisms!
Food should be kept cold or hot. The “Danger Zone” for food temperature is said to be between 5˚-60˚C.
“When a foods temperature reaches the danger zone, bacteria are able to double every twenty minutes – allowing them to reach the trillions in just twenty-four hours.”
Chemical Contamination - when food comes into contact with chemicals
Common causes of chemical contamination: Cleaning chemicals, pest control chemicals etc.
Consider how you are storing your chemicals and whether they are safe to be used in a kitchen environment.
“Never keep food stored in the same place as your cleaning chemicals.”
Physical Contamination - when actual objects contaminate foods
Common causes of physical contamination: Hair, insects, jewellery, fingernails can all cause physical contamination.
Wearing appropriate protective wear like hairnets or disposable gloves can help mitigate this risk.
Cross Contamination - when bacteria or pathogens are transported from one object to another
Although food handling gloves are a useful tool to protect against food contamination, they can often give the wearer a false sense of security. It is important to remember that gloves can only provide an effective barrier if used appropriately.
For example, have you ever had someone take your food order, prepare the order, and the take your money all while wearing the SAME pair of gloves?
It is essential that you thoroughly wash your hands and change your disposable gloves every 30 to 60 minutes, if the glove becomes torn or damaged, or whenever you change tasks. Common situations where cross contamination is a risk in hospitality include when “handling money, handling raw meat, sneezing or touching the face, and of course, visiting the toilet.”
Click on the link below to for more information from the Australian Institute of Food Safety: https://www.foodsafety.com.au/resources/articles/ood-safety-and-the-different-types-of-food-contamination
A superior quality glove will do wonders for food safety, but only when used appropriately! For a free sample of NitraOne, click HERE.