Frying factors that make business sense
In the world of fryers, one size does not fit all.
As an operator, there are several business factors that should be explored when adding a fryer to your kitchen or replacing a current fryer. Some of the questions you should be asking when considering your frying options are:
- How much you are frying?
- What you are frying?
- How much space do you have?
- Oil usage?
- Energy usage?
- Labor?
- Total cost of ownership?
- After sales service?
When examining these factors, it is important to do research, know the facts and truly think about the impact on your overall business. That’s why you’ll find such a range of pricing and configurations out there in the market today. Frymaster offers a full range of solutions depending on the specific restaurant and criteria surrounding its use.
Oil Costs – A low cost fryer may save you money today, but in the long run they may actually cost you more in oil costs, energy and labour. Because oil is the most expensive cost of owning a fryer after purchase, choosing one that will extend the life of the oil with a built in filtration system means it’s easy for the staff to filter the oil regularly, creating longer oil life and better tasting food.
Labour – Filtering oil is a time consuming process for your staff. Requiring valuable time on the clock to ensure oil is filtered properly. When oil is not filtered properly it can cause food quality issues and maintenance problems that add unexpected costs like food waste and service calls.
Energy Savings – Using less oil uses less energy. It makes perfect sense, less oil to heat decreases the amount of energy used to keep that oil at temperature. Buying ENERGY STAR® rated fryers can compound the energy saving effect of a fryer that uses oil, saving 10% in energy costs overall.
If you’ve already done the research and know that effective oil, labour and energy management are the keys to a profitable and healthy frying program, then you need to look no further than the performance leader of them all—The Frymaster Filter Quick with OQS (Oil Quality Sensor). Nothing manages the cost to fry better, lowering oil, labour and energy costs in a dramatic fashion.
To learn more, speak to a QSR equipment expert today at https://www.comcater.com.au/request-a-call-back-qsr/