BioPak pledges to phase out fossil fuel-based plastic by 2025
The company says they have been carbon neutral since 2011.
BioPak has pledged to pursue “meaningful” climate action, which includes a plan to phase out fossil fuel-based plastic from its portfolio by 2025.
Other pledges part of the packaging company’s declaration include ensuring their business model remains carbon-neutral in all countries they operate in, the implementation of their annual plan to reduce their carbon footprint, expand access to our compost service to realise our circular economy solution and devote a portion of profits to environmental restoration initiatives.
“[W]e are using the power of our collective voice to advocate for policy changes necessary to remove impediments and align incentives that will drive meaningful climate action and address the apathy of this systemic failure: the failed doctrine and culture of profit maximization, often called shareholder primacy,” BioPak founder & sustainability director Richard Fine and CEO Gary Smith said in a letter.
The announcement came amid reports from the scientific community that a 1.5°C increase in average global temperature is the limit for humanity to cope with associated catastrophic climate-related impacts.
“We commit to deliver value to our customers and society and to conduct business with consideration for the environment and all stakeholders, not just shareholders for current and future generations. To ensure transparency, we will report annually on our progress by publishing our Sustainability report,” Fine and Smith added.