Digital orders soar 23% in Australia amidst foodservice orders slowdown
Pizza was the prime order in digital across Oz, Canada, USA, and Japan.
Even as total foodservice orders are slowing down in 13 global foodservice markets, digital delivery is one business area that is on the rise.
Latest data from The NPD Group reveals that digital orders in Australia soared by 23% in 2017. In the 13 countries the research firm monitored, Brazil showed a digital order delivery growth of 65%, followed by Russia (58%) and China (41%).
Pizza was also the top item ordered digitally in Australia and eight other countries. New data also indicates that most customers in the monitored markets prefer delivery to pick-up, with Russia leading the list with 81%, Germany with 76%, Great Britain with 70%, Spain with 63%, Canada with 55%, Australia with 53%, and France with 50%.
To check out The NPD Group's infographic on this story, click here.