, Australia

3 recruitment challenges and what QSRs can do

The hospitality industry is growing significantly - here's how QSR owners can respond.

Despite the fact that the hospitality business is no longer plagued by pandemic recruiting restrictions, finding and hiring top talent still continues to be a struggle for businesses. 2022 will see continued challenges in the recruitment field, as QSRs will have to face a number of issues in order to find and retain great employees.

In this article, we'll take a look at three recruitment challenges faced by QSRs and what businesses can do to overcome these difficulties. From leveraging tech to improving the candidate experience to focusing on employer branding, there are a number of ways that businesses can make sure they're attracting top talent.

1. Tight competition for labour

At the end of 2021, the National Skills Commission reported that the demand for Hospitality Workers was at a significantly higher level than in previous years, making recruitment more difficult.

The number of online job advertisements for this occupation group peaked at 9,230 in April 2021, which was higher than the 2019 average of 4,140 per month. The report also revealed that the frequency with which employers have reported difficulty filling vacancies for Hospitality Workers has grown significantly in recent years, mirroring an increase in demand.

In response, many hospitality businesses have begun hiring rapidly in order to keep up with the demand for more hourly employees. With the job market being so tight, it has become increasingly difficult to find qualified workers—especially with so many competitors all vying for the same people.

Recruiters must act quickly and coordinate the hiring process effectively in order to beat out competitors for qualified candidates. From using social media to identifying talent to partnering with staffing agencies that can provide a pipeline of qualified workers, QSRs need to be creative in their approach to recruiting in order to find the best employees.

2. Misaligned hiring expectations

An inability to align employee expectations with reality can contribute to high turnover rates in the hospitality industry. When hiring new staff members, it is important to manage their expectations. If a candidate wants to work for a company and believes that the job is going to be something that it isn’t, they may become dissatisfied and quit.

Working at a QSR is not always fun, as employees will be responsible for other duties, such as cleaning or stocking. It is important to be upfront with candidates about the job duties and what will be expected of them on a daily basis. By properly managing expectations, businesses can help to reduce turnover rates and keep their best employees.

During onboarding, take the time to go over job duties and expectations with new hires. Make sure they understand what is expected of them and that they are comfortable with the duties they will be performing. You can also provide training on how to deal with difficult customers or challenging situations. By setting the right expectations from the start, you can help your employees stay focused and motivated, leading to improved retention rates.

3. Lack of opportunities for career growth

A report by High Speed Training, a provider of online hospitality training, stated that a third of people feel that roles in the food service industry offer little progression and are not considered ‘careers for life’. The report also revealed negative perceptions around low salaries and workplace stress.

This is a problem that needs to be addressed. The food service industry offers many opportunities for career progression, but these often go unnoticed by employees who see themselves as working in dead-end roles with no chance of changing jobs.

If QSRs can show their staff that promotion opportunities exist within the business and are not limited to just one position, then employees will be more likely to stick around for the long term.

When onboarding new hires, make sure to stress the importance of career development and show them how they can progress within the company. Whether it’s through training programs or mentorship opportunities, give your employees a clear path to follow so they can see how they can grow within the business.

Improving recruitment in QSRs

Recruitment is a crucial process for any business, but it can be especially challenging for QSRs. With the hospitality industry projected to grow significantly in the coming years, the demand for qualified workers will only increase. In order to find and hire the best employees, QSRs need to be creative in their approach to recruiting.

Platforms such as Op Central can help businesses to streamline their recruitment process and identify the best candidates for open positions. Op Central's recruitment tools feature a customisable job board that can be hosted on your very own website. The hiring team can post new jobs, manage candidates, and issue employment contracts with secure digital signing.

Aside from the recruiting solution, Op Central also provides a unique onboarding module that will enhance the employee experience for new hires. With flexible activity types, such as training programs, staff surveys, and policy sign-off forms, QSRs can offer new employees an onboarding experience that will best guide them as newbies.

By partnering with Op Central, QSRs can take a more efficient and proactive approach to recruitment, which will lead to improved retention rates in the long term. Visit the Op Central website to find out more and request a demo.

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