, Australia
Press photo. /Soul Origin

Soul Origin releases new breakfast menu

The new range consists of buns and wraps.

Soul Origin is releasing a new breakfast range that consists of two buns and two wraps starting 13 June.

First on the new range is the Gourmet Brekkie Bun, a soft pillowy milk bun with a spread of vegan aioli and tangy BBQ sauce. Inside it are two crispy bacon strips, juicy tomato slices, a fried egg, creamy avocado slices, and cheese.

Meanwhile, the Schnitty Brekkie Bun is considered a comfort food made with a juicy chicken schnitzel, cradled in a soft milk bun, smeared with vegan aioli and BBQ sauce. Topped with fresh baby spinach leaves for a pop of green, a perfectly fried egg, and sliced cheese. 

Also joining the new menu is the Gourmet Brekkie Wrap, a harmonious blend of savoury chorizo slices, crispy streaky bacon, and sliced cheese all snugly wrapped in a soft tortilla. Completing the new breakfast menu is the Haloumi & Veggie Brekkie Wrap, a colourful wrap that includes fresh baby spinach leaves, juicy tomato slices, salty halloumi slices, meaty mushroom slices, and sweet caramelised onions

In addition to the new breakfast menu, Soul Origin will be offering loyalty members a free coffee with any item from the new breakfast range.

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