Gelato Messina co-founder Declan Lee, Braintree's Carolyn Breeze join the 2018 QSR Media Detpak Conference and Awards!
They will be part of the conference's Blockchain, Cryptocurrency & Payments Panel.
Less than a month before the 2018 QSR Media Detpak Conference and Awards on June 13, we would like to announce that Gelato Messina co-founder Declan Lee and Braintree Payments Director Carolyn Breeze will join our selected panel of experts for our special panel on Blockchain, Cryptocurrency & Mobile Payments.
They will join Liven CEO & Co-Founder William Wong, Guzman y Gomez Chief Digital Officer Shahrooz Chowdhury and Alipay Country Manager for Australia & New Zealand George Lawson.
You don’t want to miss this, join the conference – CLICK HERE.