Get to know Tania Minchella, The Coffee Emporium's Head of Marketing
Find out the three goals she is focused on to leverage the brand.
QSR Media: What makes you excited about your position?
The Coffee Emporium is a growing premium brand which I am exceptionally passionate about and as a Marketer I believe that is crucial to the role. What I love about my position is that it has so many different facets. I really enjoy interpreting business insights and then creatively using these to develop targeted strategies that will drive measurable business outcomes, that will not only benefit our Franchise Partners but also deliver memorable experiences for our guests.
QSR Media: What are your key business philosophies?
‘Knowledge is power’ is one of my key business philosophies. From understanding data insights around customer behaviour to understanding key operational challenges, knowledge is key to business success and something that I believe should continuously be perused.
QSR Media: What three goals are you focused on?
There is a huge opportunity for TCE to increase their digital marketing footprint, from social media to targeted digital communications. One of my focuses is expanding TCE’s digital presence. Further to this, implementation of customer relationship management strategies and systems as well as enhancing guest loyalty and advocacy are areas which will be at the forefront of our strategic direction.
QSR Media: What long-term changes are you planning on?
The Coffee Emporium is going through rapid growth which is exceptionally exciting for the brand. At The Coffee Emporium we are also focused on leveraging the latest in digital technology and functionality to enable innovation within our business and the marketplace.
QSR Media: What previous positions have prepared you for this one and how?
My marketing career has spanned across multiple industries, including Hospitality and Shopping Centres. Within my career have been fortunate to work with a vast range of hospitality providers including some of the top hospitality providers in Australia. Within these roles customer relationship management systems and strategies, loyalty and digital have all been paramount focuses shaping me into the data driven marketer I am today.
My previous roles also enable me to be able to relate and understand the challenges our franchise partners face on a daily basis, allowing me to develop strategies that will drive positive business outcomes for them.