Will you be ready for the National Wage Review Decision on July 1st?
Free wage rate information
The decision by the Fair Work Commission on new minimum wages is likely to be handed down in early June, with a start date of 1st July.
To ensure that QSRs are in a position to pay their employees at the correct rate, ER Strategies is again offering free award wage rate schedules to employers.
The service will be free for anyone who registers on the firm's website. Subscribers will be notified when the rates have changed and provided a link to the wage rate schedules. They can also easily unsubscribe at any time.
Steve Champion (Director of ER Strategies) is encouraging QSRs to take advantage of this free service, noting, "up until now, QSR employers either had to join an employer association or pay consultants to access these rates, or alternatively try to navigate a very complex process of working out individual rates using the Fair Work Ombudsman’s PayCheck Plus service. Now the pay rates will be made available by ER Strategies completely free of charge. We think this is an innovative move and will be of enormous assistance to QSR employers in accessing free information of vital importance to their businesses."
Key Awards Included
The industry award wage schedules that are likely to be the most relevant to QSRs (Retail, Fast Food and Restaurant industry awards) will be available to subscribers, but according to Champion, other major award wage rates will be available as well, including the Clerks Private Sector Award and the Manufacturing and Associated Industries and Occupations Award, amongst others.
ER Strategies franchise clients include KFC, Pizza Hut, 7-Eleven, Nandos, Red Rooster (NSW franchisees), Hungry Jacks, Guzman y Gomez, IKU Wholefoods, Roll’d Australia, Henny Penny, Starbucks and others.
To register to receive the wage rates and other very useful information on QSR employee relations matters, go to https://www.erstrategies.com.au/user/register .