, Australia

Boost Juice launches celebrity range

Limited edition range for charity.

Boost Juice partners with four celebrities and comes up with a new range of drinks, featuring creations by Carrie Bickmore, Jules Lund, Adam D’Sylva and Justice Crew. 50 cents from each drink sold will go to a charity of the celebrities’ choice, namely The Royal Melbourne Hospital Neuroscience Foundation, The Reach Foundation, E.J Whitten Foundation, and The Sony Foundation.

From November 3rd until Christmas Day, Boost Juice customers can indulge in Carrie Bickmore’s Bicker’s Brain Freeze (3-23rd November), Adam D’Sylva’s Chef’s Tropical Infusion (24th November - 7 December) and Justice Crew’s Justice Crush (8-16th November), Jules Lund’s Brotein Smoothie 8th-25th December).

Janine Allis, Founder of Boost Juice said it’s been great working alongside these household names and seeing what receipes they come up with, but moreso it’s been fantastic to be able to give back to vital parts of the community.

“Boost Juice has had a lot of fun working with such great Australian talent and is proud to be able to give back to charities so close to their hearts. We’re always looking for new and fun ways to support causes that strike a cord with our company and customers and our celebrity smoothie range has provided the perfect opportunity to do just that,” she added.

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