4 partnership surprises that Shop A Docket boasts of
They directly reach 93% of shoppers.
Shop A Docket is a provider of coupons that appear on the back of receipts in supermarkets and variety stores. They help their advertisers promote and market their brand through these coupons.
Recently, Shop A Docket and Donut King has entered in a partnership to help promote Donut King’s new range of toasted sandwiches.
Read the full story here.
Below is a Q&A with Tim Wingrove, National Sales Manager for Shop A Docket.
QSR Media: Why would a QSR do this?
Tim: Shop A Docket advertisers appear on the back of shopping receipts in Coles, Woolworths, Kmart, Target, Big W, Bi-Lo and IGA, which means we reach more than 93% of shoppers directly.
Many franchisees and QSRs are located in shopping centres, or near to shopping centres, where the large supermarkets and variety stores are also located. Shoppers will often finish their shopping and then look for somewhere nearby to eat, or have a coffee. Shop A Docket is convenient (even more so now with mobile) and easy to use.
Often QSR or fast food outlets will use a Shop A Docket coupon to promote a new line or product, to encourage lapsed or irregular customers to come back, or to reward their current customers.
Advertisers are increasingly using Shop A Docket tactically – including around seasonal trade variations or to tie in with broader mainstream promotions and advertising activities.
We are printing 12 million coupons for Donut King, so there is a consistent message and branding that will be constantly repeated for one month in metropolitan areas and two months in regional centres.
QSR Media: What kind of response are you getting the campaign with Donut King?
Tim: It is a little too early to tell, but we have always had a great response to any offer that Donut King advertises. Many Donut King franchisees have been with us since 1995.
Nationally, Donut King typically runs campaigns for four months in the year and has done for the past six years - clearly an endorsement of Shop A Docket’s capacity to drive customer loyalty on a cost effective basis.
QSR Media: What kind of logistics are required that marketing departments would need to consider?
Tim: A lot of the hard work is done by Shop A Docket, and as we've been doing this for 25 years we've really streamlined our systems. We work with the clients to develop an offer that is going to appeal to clients, such as a buy one get one free, or a discount coffee, develop the artwork for the coupon, print them, and then distribute the shopping rolls to the areas the client wishes to advertise in.
For the clients it is just a case of making sure they have the systems in place to manage the increase in business, and inform and prepare their staff about the campaign and offer. Shop a Docket has a low impact on marketing departments due to our experience in this space.
QSR Media: What might surprise people about partnering with Shop a Docket?
Tim: Firstly, unlike any other form of advertising it is immediately measurable. Customers need to redeem the voucher, so businesses can directly see how effective their offer and advertising has been.
Secondly, we have a strict exclusion policy - you will never see your competitor with a similar offer on the shopping roll.
Thirdly, it is extremely cost effective, direct and targeted.
Fourth, everyone loves a bargain or a discount. Why would you pay full price when you don't have to? Shop A Docket makes it easy to connect shoppers with businesses, and many customers will return to the business without the voucher because they like the service or the product.
QSR Media: Any other comments?
Tim: Shop A Docket also has a very powerful and popular website, www.shopadocket.com.au, where every offer can be downloaded, printed and then redeemed in-store. We will be shortly introducing mobile phone redemption, making it easier for customers to search, and redeem our advertisers' offers.