, Australia

Noodle Box seeks new franchise partners

Tasmanian locations now reinvigorated.

Noodle Box reopens 4 locations in Tasmania -- namely Kings Meadow, Mowbray, Devonport, and Burnie -- and is now seeking new franchise partners.

“We believe passionate franchise partners who are proud of, and care about, the community in which they operate make the most successful business operators,” said Ian Martin, Noodle Box’s CEO.

“We are very pleased we’ve been able to re-open in Tasmania so quickly, and continue to provide our renowned Noodle Box experience for our many local guests,” explained Martin. “It means a great deal to us to be able to provide secure job opportunities and careers as well as business opportunities for local Tasmanians. We are extremely grateful to our guests who have supported us through this brief period of uncertainty.

“We are looking for franchise partners looking to take a successful business and build an even stronger one. There are currently four healthy restaurants in operation, and the opportunity for more, particularly in the south of the island. We are very excited about the potential of the region.”

“The opportunity to secure four restaurants with such great growth potential together with the opportunity to develop additional restaurants within the state, is very rare indeed” he added.

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