, Australia

QSRs reveal their new Christmas offerings and campaigns

See what they’re cooking up for the holidays.

From new products to online campaigns, quick service restaurants (QSRs) are prepping fresh offerings that will help them attract customers and cash in on the brisk spending this Christmas season.

New products

“From a QSR’s perspective, we see higher shopping centre footfall from shoppers who increasingly tend to be time-poor, looking for affordable options and are trying to make a smart lunchtime decision to combat the festive party season,” said SumoSalad CEO Luke Baylis.

“This creates a unique opportunity for our franchisees and to capitalise on this we have recently launched our new summer menu.”

SumoSalad’s special Christmas menu will include a new range created by resident chef, Pete Evans rolled out nationwide in September. The brand is also working with Weight Watchers to develop ProPoints approved salads that Baylis said will make it easier for Weight Watchers members to make an informed, healthy choice.

“Our stores will also receive a facelift to capitalise on the peak summer season for SumoSalad. This will include new products, and the introduction of free range chicken across our entire menu,” said Baylis.

At Burger Edge, franchisor Issam Soubjaki said customers should look out for a tasty new patty to hit the menu: "We are launching a new burger with a highly sought after beef being prepared just for us."

Healthy Habits has the same seasonal approach to Christmas, developing new products designed to appeal to health-conscious customers until March.

“There are a lot of products to look for in our stores over the next 4 months. We have a refresh to all our core ranges. The favourites remain but new product is being introduced for periodic ranging to keep excitement in the food cabinets,” said Healthy Habits Managing Director Mark Buckland.

No discounts, but freebies remain

The Christmas season is often associated with discounts, but it seems most QSR franchisors are avoiding price slashes this year to boost sales, and are instead relying on new offerings, quality service and the on-purchase freebies.

“Christmas is the busiest period, we won't be discounting,” said Crave Frozen Yogurt franchisor Aleksandar Svetski. “We will continue to serve up the best Frozen Yogurt in Australia as per usual.”

Online campaign

With more Australians using smartphones, QSRs like The Cheesecake Shop will be implementing online campaigns and giving out free $5 vouchers to get the most mileage for their Christmas offerings.

The Cheesecake Shop will be launching an online survey that will try to find out if Australians are "Naughty or Nice" in a tongue in cheek and interactive campaign, revealed The Cheesecake Shop National Marketing Manager Peter Dable.

“The survey will make Australians question their response to scenarios such as the last piece of cake, cooking the Christmas barbeque and the art of re-gifting. However, as it is the season for giving and participants, naughty or nice, will receive a $5 thank you voucher to spend at their nearest The Cheesecake Shop,” said Dable.

“This survey is a chance to determine once and for all whether Australia is a nation of do-gooders or not so nice guys. We included questions that address those pesky moral dilemmas Australians encounter over Christmas and throughout the year,” he said further.

The Cheesecake Shop customers will be directed to a dedicated Facebook page and Web site at www.facebook.com/thecheesecakeshop and www.naughty-or-nice.com.au, respectively. Store posters, staff badges worn and flyers will also assist in building awareness for the survey and free vouchers.

Once in store with their vouchers, The Cheesecake Shop plans to entice customers with their Christmas range of cakes and treats. 

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