Retail Food Group to close Michel’s Patisserie
Read the full statement here.
Australian multi-brand operator Retail Food Group has confirmed that it is closing Michel’s Patisserie.
Read below for the full statement from the group.
Retail Food Group (Australia) can confirm that we have engaged our valued Michel’s Patisserie Franchise Partners in conversations regarding the future of the Michel’s Patisserie brand and network opportunities for current franchisees.
These conversations form part of our organisation’s evolution to be closer to our customers, focusing on elevating customer experience to drive growth, and increase Franchise Partner profitability.
While Michel’s Patisserie has a long history within Australia’s retail food market, a brand assessment has confirmed a variety of barri ers to driving future brand growth; limitations that have been assessed while also considering how we as a network can better invest and help deliver lasting positive change for our Franchise Partners and stakeholders.
In light of this assessment, we are engaging with all Michel’s Patisserie Franchise Partners to explore the opportunity for them to convert their business to the Gloria Jean’s brand, or where that outcome is not feasible, the Donut King brand.
We believe that each of the Gloria Jean’s and Donut King brands provide exciting opportunities and a compelling option for Michel’s Patisserie Franchise Partners considering their immediate or longer-term business futures. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of our Michel’s Patisserie Franchise Partners for their ongoing passion for the brand and look forward to working with each of them in a collaborative and transparent way, to achieve a positive outcome that is best suited for individual circumstances.