Muffin Break general manager Natalie Brennan issues statement on recent news.com.au article
Recent comments made by the executive went viral over the weekend.
Muffin Break general manager Natalie Brennan has issued a statement on a recent news.com.au article that was met with online backlash:
“The recent article does not reflect my values or those of Foodco. Every day for the last 25 years I’ve worked with young people who are motivated, passionate and hard-working. This is as true today as it was when I started my career.”
“I don’t expect anyone to work unpaid and Foodco Group policy is, and has always been, that all employees including interns, employed either directly or through our brands are paid according to relevant awards."
“The unpaid work I referred to was supervised programs run through schools, TAFEs or universities, which provide valuable gained experience to people before they enter the workforce full-time. I want to apologise for any misunderstanding or upset caused by my comments.”